abtmtr.link site commissions

Commissions are closed.

It's business time.

matkap, wall-eyed, with a wide grin, top-hat, and an improperly-worn tie.

So, you've seen what I can do, and you've given what you want a little thought... now what's the cost of all of this? Check out the site types and see what fits you.

matkap smiling at the viewer, with a browser on the other side. sparkles are around both.

All site types can/will include

A browser displaying the word HELLO, with some generic content after it.

Basic Site ($20 USD)

The most basic site you can get from me. This site type is good if you just want a website that can do just about what you'd need. Minimum deadline: 2 weeks Est. time: Less than a week

A browser displaying miscellaneous content, and a path leading from a house to a script to a contact icon.

Nice Site ($30 USD)

Something that's a little nicer. This site type is good if you need comprehensive information about what you're selling, how you're selling it, and where you're selling it. Minimum deadline: 4 weeks Est. time: 2-4 weeks

A browser displaying a gallery and a form, with arrows coming out of the form pointing to the Twitter logo, an email icon, and three question marks. An arrow points from the gallery showing more images.

Cool Site ($50 USD)

A site with the works. This site type is good if you'd like this site to front your operations. If you use some kind of commission management system, and are happy with making your requests work better, this is a good pick for you. Minimum deadline: 2 months Est. time: 4-6 weeks

Or, I can quote you a site

matkap chewing on a calculator. there's a quote that is reported to be "$?!?!". a browser is below it.

"Site" ($20+ USD)

Looks like I'll have to do some mental math. This site type is good if you need something *really* specific. It's also the worst pun I think I've ever made. Price and time depends on quoted content, plus the base fee. (the quote itself is free, I'm not gonna charge you for a damn email exchange)

Does everything look OK?

Feel free to go ahead and contact me.